Friday, September 7, 2012
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another year, another successful coat drive!
Cascades Library
Ashburn Library
Rust Library
South Riding Town Hall
Dulles South Multipurpose Center
George Washington University, Virginia Campus
Algonkian Elementary
Lowes Island Elementary
Meadowland Elementary
Creighton's Corner Elementary
Seldens Landing Elementary
Sanders Corner Elementary
Waterford Elementary
Farmwell Station Middle School

Thanks again for your help and support. we couldn't have done it without the help of our local community members and hope you'll participate again next year!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Capital District Kiwanis Initiative For Africa
Last Sunday we had guest speaker Katherine Bronson come talk to us about the Capital District's Initiative for Africa. This meeting was one of the most fun, and informative meetings in our short DAK history. This meeting probably ranks up there with the Jeopardy meeting we had last year. We had folks there from the Leesburg club and the Arlington club which made the meeting even more fun.
I have a copy of the Power Point presentation on the Initiative For Africa that Kat showed and if you wish to review it again, I can send it to you by email (just post a comment and I'll send it your way). I would like to encourage all of you to donate as all it takes is $5 from each of us to help achieve the district's goal of $25,000. I would also like to encourage you to talk to your friends and family about this initiative as, it is my belief that everyone wants to help, but we have to ask them for the help.
All donations can be made by sending a check made out to the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation and mailed to
1601 Charrington Drive
Midlothian, VA 23113.
If you feel more comfortable giving the donation to me, I would be glad to send it in on your behalf. Your canceled check will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. This initiative is also listed in Facebook in the Causes section. If you are a Facebook member, you can join the cause and donate using Facebook. All transactions on Facebook are secure. Here's a link to the Facebook page:
Thank you for your help in this worthy cause.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
RSS What?
I am often asked by fellow Kiwanis members how I am able to "keep track of it all". All the meeting and project dates can get pretty overwhelming. Being the primary webmaster and the president requires me to constantly be aware of what is on the calendar at all times. However, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help make it easier! The main one being using RSS feeds to keep track of updates on all my favorite webpages. If you've never used RSS now is a great time to learn! I will admit the concept of RSS took me awhile to grasp. The video above is a GREAT "dumbed down" explanation of RSS and how you can use it to streamline how you view the internet. If someone had shown me this video 2 years ago I would've been an RSS pro in half the time.
What is RSS? In a nutshell RSS alerts you when changes have been made to your favorite or most important webpages. No more forgetting that Kiwanis meeting because you never checked the website! RSS will tell you when an update has been made and shows you what that update is.
I personally use RSS to primarily track my favorite blogs. Instead of having to go an check each blog myself, my RSS reader (through google) tells me who has updated a blog and shows me all the new blog postings. I know parents in the school system where I work use RSS to track their child's school website. Once they RSS tag the school's main webpage, or the teacher's webpage, they get instant alerts when the pages are edited and changed.
Once you understand the ins and outs of how this technology works the possibilities are endless. I encourage you to explore the world of RSS and comment to let us know how it changes how you view the internet!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Meet the DAK Member - Ayaz

Name: Ayaz Siraj
Length in Kiwanis family: Officially… around a year and half but longer if you count the months leading up to the club chartering.
Why did you join Kiwanis: To help children in guiding them and showing them the meaning of community service plus I can’t expect my kids to do community service or volunteer and serve their community I don’t do it.
Postions held: Board Member and President Elect
Favorite service project: I really liked the Metro cards for Veterans and Bingo is fun.
Where do you live? Herndon, VA
Where is the farthest you've ever been from home? India.
Do you have any children? Yes, 2. One boy, Saif who is 12 and one girl, Amani who is 8 going on 16.
What's currently on your Ipod? Honestly… too many to list as it’s about 5 gigs worth of music but I will always have the Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, AC/DC, Metallica, RUN DMC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bob Marley, the entire audio from the movie Caddyshack… like I said, too many to list.
Last Book you Read? Books? That’s old technology…. Didn’t finish but started Barack Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream”
When I go out for a meal my go to menu choice is... mmmmm….. Chinese
One thing people don't know about me... I once was kidnapped and had my watch stolen.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dulles Area Kiwanis Presents...
On March 1, 2009, there will a presentation on a special Kiwanis project known as the Initiative For Africa. The Initiative For Africa is a Kiwanis campaign whose goal is to make a sustainable difference in the lives of children and families in Africa. This initiative is in partnership with Kick Start International (, a non-profit organization that provides education and training to farmers so that they can grow sustainable crops for years to come. Kick Start also sells to the farmers a revolutionary new human powered water pump, for a small subsidized fee, that helps irrigate land and grow crops where before not possible, or very difficult. The Kiwanis goal is to raise $25,000, to help purchase these irrigation pumps, which in turn will be matched by the Kick Start Organization, dollar for dollar. With monies raised by Kiwanis and matched by Kick Start, 160 African families, or more than 800 men, women and children will get an opportunity for a better life and to permanently end their poverty.
The Initiative For Africa committee member Katherine Bronson will present this presentation at the next Dulles Area Kiwanis club meeting which are held at the Cascades Library at 3 PM. This meeting is open to the general public.